Reasons to be cheerful, part 1.

I am just trying to catch up on a few exhibitions at the moment.  Trying to ram in as much culture along with a little light window shopping as time, energy, finances will allow.  And so it was I trundled to Charing Cross, just loving the wall paper.

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A few weeks ago I managed to see the Making Colour exhibition at the National Gallery.  It was lovely, it was everything I wanted it to be, I learnt more about the colour blue and its history than I ever thought possible, (and other colours too)  I found a new obsession to collect and I partook of a glorious cream tea in the National Dining Rooms who provided very generous servings of clotted cream and jam.

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And the best part was that I was lucky enough to secure a window seat, so I could watch the comings and goings of Trafalgar Square.   (although I think this photo might have been taken outside, but you get my drift)

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A quick selfie before heading home.

My next trip  was to see Radical Geometry : Modern Art of South America at the Royal Academy.  Oh how I loved this show, there was something about this show that appeals deeply to me and I loved the final piece by Carlos Cruz-Diez.  I observed this piece for a good half an hour, there was just so much to observe within it and it made the perfect companion to having seen the Making Colour exhibition just a short time earlier.   There are many write ups around the net of this exhibition but this piece of work is a must see, the detail is exquisite, I think it is five lines of different colours between red acrylic set out at an angle which is placed every centimeter or so.  The colours change as you walk along it.

Carlos Cruz-Diez, Physichromie No.500 1970. Casein paint on PVC and acrylic on plywood sheets.


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A quick look around Fortnum and Mason was required.  I love those oranges, I must brush off my manuals of how to make crystalised fruits.

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And the marzipan sweet meats are just so pretty.

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And who doesn’t want to bounce onto these wonderfully cushy marshmallows.

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The architecture is just so awe inspiring.

out 8And then I found wares by MacKenzie-Childs.  I would love to own some pieces, but unfortunately my bank manager disagrees.

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But it doesn’t stop me looking

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and admiring

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and gawping.

out 12There were some lovely bundt tins.

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And who would not love this copper pan in their kitchen, one might even cook with it.

And inspired by colour and fabrics, paint and pottery, I headed home, happy in my thoughts.

2 thoughts on “Reasons to be cheerful, part 1.

  1. cariemay says:

    The Cruz-Diez piece reminds me of Kaffe Fassett fabric – or is that just my inner quilter coming to the fore! I’m glad you liked the Making Colour exhibition – we thought it was incredible – especially the blue section – I wish I’d seen the original copper sulphate crystal flat, it just looked amazing!


  2. mandycharlie says:

    Roger Hiorn’s piece Seizure (the blue copper sulphate flat) has moved to Yorkshire Sculpture Park for the next ten years. (I have no idea where that is but I am sure you would be able to find it)


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