Mother’s Day

We had a lovely day last Sunday, son no.1 asked us over to his for Sunday lunch and we had a lovely day. The meal was amazing, the ‘ambiance’ was, for us, perfection, and we just had a day making memories, laughing, joking around, eating good wholesome well cooked food and playing.

Selfie in the kitchen while cooking.

The sharp eyed amongst you might have noticed the change in the colour of my bandana. In recent years I have become completely addicted to Hermes silk scarves which are ridiculously expensive but oh so very gorgeous. My excuse is that I need something to keep my neck warm so it doesn’t ache from the cold, not having the luxury of hair to do the job. I noticed this lovely yellow bandana, so perfect for summer, come up on the website, and hubby and son no.1 clubbed together to buy it me for Mother’s Day.

I shall treasure it always.

After lunch which was a juicy bacon clad chicken, sausage meat stuffing, crunchy roast potatoes with stilton and bacon brussel sprouts, carrots and proper gravy. Which was then followed by a lovely apple strudel and custard with just for added measure a blob of ice cream, we loosened our belts a little and played a board game called Root.

Son no.1 is an avid board gamer, I had a feeling this was going to be more complicated than scrabble! And so it was.

I was very happy to choose the cats.

Although I do believe I became a little bored at one stage. 🙂

Fortunately, hubby saved the day and won!, no matter how much son no.1 and I ganged up against him.

We talked some more and then wend our way home, happy and content to have spent such a perfect day with our lovely son.