Birds, Birds, Birds.

Hubby and I are getting back into the swing of our bird photography, so to that end here are a few snaps I took yesterday at Frampton RSPB on a dark and drizzly day, the skills of this photographer were sorely tested. We had such a great day.Female Stonechat.Male Stonechat.GoldfinchStarling, “Who is the prettiest of them all?”Egretand last but not least a Curlew.

Happy New Year!

Another year gone, they go so fast and getting faster every year.  Hubby and I enter the year with the usual great plans of improving our health, but this year we have even bought equipment to help us along with that evil plan – a tread mill and a rowing machine!  Already after one week I can feel a slight improvement and my distance and speed have improved, so the plan is working.

As my regular readers will know we bought a puppy this year. It is one of the greatest adventures of adult hood that if one fancies a puppy, obviously contemplating it in a more serious way than a flippant idea, one can buy a puppy. We thought about it for nearly two years, forever batting the idea away, but it was just too tough to be without a dog for so long, we had never been without a dog before in all our married life, so Rupert came into our home. We both agree it was the best decision for us and we gaily laugh at his antics, wag our finger at him when he is in the witching hour and caress his silky ears to sooth our worries and stresses away. We have both fallen under his whippety spell and love him more than words can say. 

This year I aim to walk a thousand miles again, although this time I will be recording the mileage the old way with pen and paper, having lost much needed information from not one but two fitbit failures.

We are looking forward to March when we hope to be high up enough on the list for another allotment. Fingers crossed for that one.

My plant based lifestyle is going well, I suspect I eat plant based about 90% of the time, with occasional lapses with fish, which I do love and two lapses with meat over the last couple of months.  We will see how that journey progresses next year.

After eighteen months with a frozen shoulder which has been very painful, I am at last able to knit again, if I take it slowly.  I have been knitting lambing mitts to see us through the cold spring to keep us warm while photographing outdoors.

I loved the huge downfall of snow, it was magnificent, 4 good inches of snow, a memory I will keep forever. 

I will be going to lectures in London on Food in Art for nearly three months, which I am really looking forward to, I do love a good lecture and hubby is going to brush up on his cookery skills based on Rick Steins Venice to Istanbul, which I think is a wonderful idea, basically eastern mediterranean with a twist, the television viewing looks very tasty!

May I wish you all a very happy new year, may 2018 be everything you hope and wish for, sending much love. Mandy and hubby x.