Garden Party.

Just a quick post because I am just about to head for my bed. Mum had her Garden Party this weekend held at my Aunties house. I was asked to poach a salmon which was fine as I have poached many salmons in my time, but I have never decorated one! So out came the mayonnaise and very thinly sliced cucumber and soon I had this.

I was going to keep the head and tail on but the fish was huge and we didn’t have a tray that was big enough for the fish yet small enough for the fridge. I was very pleased with the way the scales portrayed with cucumber came together.

And then I decorated the plate with sliced lemons, I love the scent of lemons and whenever I used them wish I cooked more often with them.

I met with relatives I haven’t seen for many a long year, it was all great fun.

The bunting looked lovely and the ladies pounced on the fabric flowers, they were seen everywhere, poking out of top pockets, worn on dresses and adorning hair, it was wonderful.

I’ll leave you with a quick snap of the men in my life.

4 thoughts on “Garden Party.

  1. Jenny says:

    What a fabulous event, food and decorations look gorgeous, and so do your men. If we could guarantee decent weather there'd be a lot more garden parties. I've sent you an email on Ravelry about the socks by the way.


  2. amelia says:

    That is the most amazing looking salmon I've ever seen and I mean EVER!!! You really have a lot of talents and are obviously very artistic!!Incidentally, how do you poach a salmon that big without it breaking?


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