Oooh Yes! Peanut Bread.

 First of all I’ll just show you a quick peek of my second loaf of bread from Paul Hollywoods new bread book.  I can’t remember which one it was, it was a simple white one and it turned our quite nicely.
But the real fun started when I gave hubby a list of bread ingredients which I now have stashed in the cupboards and fridge.  Which bread to try first, well it was Sunday, so a little treat was in order.  
I decided to make the peanut bread.  It was simplicity itself, you do a little bit of work and leave it to rest for an hour, a bit more work then rest for an hour, a bit more work then rest for an hour and then pop it in the oven. I suppose all bread is like that really. 
It was tea time when it came out, so warm peanut bread with chocolate spread warming through and turning absolutely delicious was an absolute winner.  I can imagine this bread toasted with mashed banana on it perhaps with a dribble of honey.  I think this bread will become a firm favourite in our home.
One thing I have found out about myself is that I have always made bread in batches in the morning and then froze the surplus.  And the bread that is frozen is never quite the same as fresh bread, even if you rewarm it in the oven, it seems to have lost some of its moisture and bounce.  So what I have found out, is that making one loaf takes moments, that making bread in the evening actually works really well time wise, I can easily fit it in between cooking the evening meal, knitting and homework and there is fresh bread ready for tomorrow morning. 

3 thoughts on “Oooh Yes! Peanut Bread.

  1. Angie says:

    oh you tease!!! I ordered the book… for my Dad though, he loves to bake bread and usually sends a bit for me to try… I can't imagine what size I would bloom into if I baked bread like yours… no will power here, he he.


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