My computer is up to date!!!

It has been so long since I logged onto WordPress that I could no longer log onto WordPress. After a couple of days trying to work things out I realised that actually, it was probably because I hadn’t upgraded my system in forever. So I have just spent the last couple of days doing that and I will endeavour to post a few belated blog posts about the plot and the odd recipe that I haven’t got around to posting and other little ditties.

The reason for the gap in writing is two of the main characters in my life have both had life changing events at roughly the same time, at the moment they are tag teaming to see who can create the most amount of worry, stress and anxiety in me, whilst desperately trying not to, but not being in control of their health they can only watch on the side lines routing for me and holding me up as much as they can, for which I then feel really guilty about.

My anxiety is very high, I’m barely sleeping and I have a feeling things are going to get worse before they get better.

Fortunately I also have some very dear friends who are routing for me. So when Noelle sent me this beautiful stained glass Angel, I just wept and wept and when I came to, I rang Noelle and told her what a precious, beautiful gift that was absolutely perfect this little Guardian Angel was and thanking her I wept and wept some more. I am nothing if not a little bit over dramatic when it comes to matters of the heart, but the girl is, what the girl is and you really wouldn’t want me any other way.

She is now hanging from my five armed candelabra above my bed where she will look after me and mine while we sleep, and I can gaze at her for ‘Bon Courage’ as Noelle might say.

I can feel her gentle spirit working already.

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