An amusement.

I really enjoy my knitting group, I can’t believe that what started with just me on my own in August, a couple of print outs and a knitting magazine or two has grown into such a wonderfully chatty group of fifteen to eighteen women who love to come together for a natter. I think if everyone came together the numbers would grow into the twenties, three more came across us today and wished to join in and have promised to come next week. It seems to grow every single month.

I especially enjoy their comedy, I love women’s humour, its fun, its not harsh or brash or difficult to understand as to why you would find that amusing, its good and I love it. (I also like my sons humour, but they are gentle and young and I hope they remain so)

So, when I mentioned that I was not going to be buying wool or yarn of any description this year with the proviso’s in place of Wonder Wool and Knit Nation, they heckled,.. they did, it was quite shocking.. I would have thought they might have understood, but no they heckled and then they questioned me… Questioned I was! As to what I had in my stash.. I don’t even explain that to my husband, if he can’t work it out, I’m not going to tell him.

So I stuttered and I mumbled about having stash in every room that is available, apart from toilets, bathrooms and the boys bedrooms. And then the game was on,, they laughed in such cheery tones that I laughed like a drain too. And I had to explain (although I never gave them a final figure) as to just how many skeins of sock yarn I might have and how much area this took, and then these women who I dearly love, welcomed my honest approach and started to talk about their own stashes… I won’t reveal anything because you never know who is reading, but compared to some, well, I’m just a beginner.

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